After Easter, the boating seasons grinds to an unofficial halt. However, there is no reason you can't continue to enjoy being out on the water throughout the colder season.
Here are a few reasons why winter is a great time to go boating.
You can enjoy stopping in quiet bays to soak up the winter sunshine.
1. The weather
Here in Australia, we are lucky enough to enjoy mild winters. Although it can be chilly out on the water, the middle months of the year can actually present calmer and more predictable weather than in the warmer months.
In summer, southwesterly winds are common, generated by highs moving over Australia. On the other hand, in winter if the weather is calm in the morning it is likely to stay that way for the whole day. These windless days mean flat seas, so make the most of these windows of opportunity.
You can still enjoy crisp, clear days out on your boat, and you'll be happy you decided not to leave it in storage.
2. Fewer boats on the water
Most people park up their boats over winter, bringing them out again when the weather warms up. This means there are fewer people out boating and less water traffic to contend with while you're out cruising.
You can enjoy stopping in quiet bays to soak up the winter sunshine, unperturbed by the wash from other boats passing by, or go about uninterrupted in your favourite fishing spot. This is a year round activity in Sydney, so you can still enjoy some fat catch and with less competition there will be more fish to go around!
3. Whale season
Winter a great time to spot marine life. Between May and July, humpback whales start cruising up the east coast of Australia, retreating from the chilly waters of Antarctica. From September to November they make their annual migration south again, this time with calves in tow.
The whales are known to pass through Sydney Harbour and are famous for their leaps out of the water. Around 30,000 of the great animals are expected to swim up the coast of New South Wales, so for boaties willing to brave the winter chill you could get the show of a lifetime.
Tips on boating during winter
It's important to remember that the conditions you encounter over winter may be more challenging than during summer. Even if the forecast is for fine weather, you should take all the necessary precautions before heading out for a day on the water.
Take your boat in for a service to make sure the motor is functioning well. During your service, Hunts Marine can carry out a 50 point safety check for your peace of mind. In cold weather, engine fluids can thicken, so keep on top of testing and changing engine oil. Check over your safety equipment and make sure it is all present and functional. Over winter, conditions can change quickly, so you may have less time if things go wrong, meaning preparation is vital. It is especially important to make sure life jackets are present for all passengers. Check the Bureau of Meteorology website before heading out - it's the most reliable source of information on weather in Australia. Dress to keep warm and carry an extra change of clothes in case you get wet. Keeping a thermos of hot tea or soup on hand is also great for warming you up if the chill starts to get to you.For more advice on boating over winter or to request a service to make sure your vessel is ready for winter waters, get in touch with our team today.