Lowrance Fishfinder / Echo Sounders

$8.90 freight Australia wide (Excludes heavy or bulky items and delivery to remote areas). All orders ship in 1 to 3 days and we will contact you if items are on back-order and are going to be longer. Lowrance has introduced some new and expanded units in the Hook Reveal and Elite FS range. Their High Definition System (HDS) Live Lowrance fish finder/echo sounder range provides a huge selection of colour fish finders, Lowrance GPS Mapping units and Radars that are second to none
Got a question, call 02 9546-1324, Mon to Sat, 8am to 5pm.
How To Use An Echo Sounder / Fish finder
We don't normally advertise books but this is a good one and worth a read. This evidence based book explains how colour echo sounders work, how to operate them and how to interpret the information recorded on the display monitor. Packed full of over 130 images including screen captures, diagrams and full colour photos, this easy to read and understand book will help even the most experienced fisher gain more from their colour echo sounder/fish finder. John Adams comes from a seafaring family where all the men went to sea, serving on merchant ships, deep sea trawlers, or whalers.
Over 3000 GPS Fishing Marks Australia Wide
Over 3000 GPS marks around Australia (coast and offshore) plus how to use a GPS tips and tricks. GPS Fishing Marks Australia Wide is an invaluable companion to all anglers-it is the complete guide on how to understand, use and get the best from your GPS, then it tells you where to find the hottest fishing spots around Australia. Almost every angler who fishes on the water around Australia either uses a GPS (Global Positioning System) or wishes they did! However, many users find mastering their GPS difficult. Using these instructions the GPS enables anglers to determine their latitude and longitude out on the water as well as helping them to navigate a boat to a particular set of co-ordinates.
SKU: B3652
Railblaza Hexx Live Pole 60" Transducer Mount
Suits the Lowrance Actice Target or Garmin Panoptix above. The Railblaza HEXX Live Pole 60" gives anglers an all-new way to unearth the full potential of their fishfinder. It provides seamless integration with Live Sonar Transducers, allowing you to view more action below the water in real-time. Compatible with Garmin Live Scope, Lowrance Active Target and Humminbird Mega Live, this innovative pole is lightweight, height adjustable and can be easily stowed away when not in use. The pole attaches to the deck, giving it stability and the perfect angle of aim for your transducer. Now it doesn’t matter if you’re operating on a powerboat or a kayak – you’ll always have access to the same level of detail and accuracy as HEXX has been designed with portability in mind. Plus, anglers can appreciate the soft grip handle being situated at hip level to make operation easy and comfortable. Supplied with neoprene storage bag. To watch a great 1min video on the Hexx Live Pole CLICK HERE.
SKU: 11-4190-11